Hey hey #fitfam! Thank you for reading today’s article. Typically I try to present informative and helpful entry to this series but today I’d like to have a bit of fun and talk about the head-scratching moments in the gym. You know those times when you notice some strange activity from another gym-goer and you think to yourself “now that’s just too much”? Maybe you’ve seen it on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and couldn’t believe your eyes…that’s where the phrase ‘doing too much’ takes center stage and honestly, I need to get this off my chest! By the way, pull-ups with a weight bench strapped to your waist is not safe or effective…peep this “Doing too much!”

I’m all for being creative and mixing things up in your workout routine, but sometimes our gym buds take it too far. As I’ve illustrated in some of the images that accompany this article, you can see that some strange activities occur in gyms across the country and I wonder what they were thinking in those moments. I generally have a few rules of thumb and they start with common sense coupled with research.

#1 – If you are unclear on how to setup an exercise, get help.

#2 – If you have never used a piece of equipment before, get help.

#3 – If your only goal is to get a cool extreme workout clip to post on social media because you really want to get your likes up…get help!

All of that said, it grinds my gears when I see ego lifting, but it takes my anger to another level when I ego lifting combined with silliness. It’s a sure-fire formula for failure. In most situations, if the drill requires you to end up upside down in a free fall, you might want to rethink the activity. If it asks you to balance equipment on a narrow edge then you balance your body on those edges, I’d say try something else. 

While I’m clear poking fun at the social media-crazed gym fail generation, I do want to warn my readers to be safe and avoid unsafe activities in the gym. Even some of the clips look really cool and fun, the best executed extreme gym moves are done by trainers who understand exactly what they are doing and what risks are involved. in general, I advise everyone to stick to the exercise staples AND, if you must, posting cute gym mirror selfies for the ‘Gram!

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Thank You and Farewell

Health & Wellness: Don’t Quit on You!

Health & Wellness: Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness