Health & Wellness

When dealing with health & wellness, the focus is often placed on the physical benefits of activity and the mental side of things can be overlooked. Though the physical benefits are the most obvious to outsiders, the mental wellness that occurs when someone is consistently participating in physical activities can improve a person’s social life and their outlook on their day-to-day circumstances. This is a truth that holds throughout life, starting at childhood and extending into the twilight years – if you’re able to be active, you’ll often find happiness and success around you.

It’s no secret that working out can give some people a ‘high’, a rush of zen and wellness from a good run or high-quality session of lifting. This endorphin release is a part of what gets a person to go back and workout again, and again, and so on, until it becomes a routine. The physical benefits provide a gateway to the feeling of emotional and mental wellness that most of us crave in life. That first glance when the gains show up or the waistline shrinks will have you floating on cloud nine all day. These changes are followed by other improvements such as tidying up your appearance, seeking new activities to do, becoming more social, and maybe even approaching that special someone you’ve been eyeing for a while. Basically, when you look good, you tend to feel good. This is more pronounced when getting in shape is involved because as much as we all hate to admit it, there is a little bit of vanity most of us. By feeding that little monster just a little bit of effort, we can unlike an even better version of ourselves in the process.

Health & Wellness: Thank You and Farewell

Health & Wellness: Don’t Quit on You!

Health & Wellness: Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

Health & Wellness

If you are interested in following along with my journey or getting more information about my personal training services, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness

Facebook – Total Camo Fitness

YouTube – Total Camo Fitness