Health & Wellness: While the fitness saying “As long as you’re doing something…” is great at the beginning of a wellness journey, but will not push you beyond your first plateau. The next step in advancing the process is to create a consistent workout plan that targets key areas of the body and progressively increases the load and repetitions. To achieve this type of balance, the five golden exercises should be included featuring push, pull, hip hinge, squat and plank.

An example of each exercise type:

Push = Chest Press, Pull = Tricep Extensions, Hip Hinge = Deadlifts or Lunges, Squat = Standard/Sumo/Staggered, & Plank = Push-up/Mountain Climber/Floor Taps

The inclusion of these exercise staples is the the foundation of a workout program that will consistently provide benefits for each area of the body.

My personal training sessions are more often inclusive of my staples than not. In a standard session, I visit the Smith machine to perform bench press, incline bench press, decline bench press, and chest pull for my upper body. I then use the same machine to do standard squats, sumo squats, and close-stance squats. Additionally, I use the leg press to perform double and single-leg presses, followed by the tricep machine and curl machine. Of course, its a must that I visit the abdominal machines such as the free standing leg lift, the kneeling abdominal twist, and the push-pull abdominal machine.

In general, my goal is to maintain my foundational strength while progressing from a high number of reps with lightweight to lower rep counts with heavier weights. The greatest benefit for me is the feeling of full body exertion and using every hinge of the body while breaking a sweat!

Health & Wellness: Thank You and Farewell

Health & Wellness: Don’t Quit on You!

Health & Wellness: Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

In the month of May (beginning on May 6th specifically), I will be sharing a few free workout circuits to utilize the push, pull, and hip hinge staples that we have discussed. At the end of 4 weeks, you will have collected and a foundational guide to creating your own personal program to begin or continue your journey.

In addition, my company, Total Camo Fitness, will be kicking off our summer fitness program which offers virtual bootcamps hosted by myself and other trainers in my network. I encourage everyone to check it out and the best thing is, even though we’ll be using Zoom, you don’t have to be on camera. Expect to sweat, laugh and have some fun!

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness

Facebook – Total Camo Fitness

YouTube – Total Camo Fitness