Hey hey #fitfam! This month we have been diving into the tough spots in fitness and worked through the struggles that most of us face on our journeys, myself included. I’m going to be extremely transparent about my struggles with false starts and failed ‘challenges’. For me, at 44 years of age, the things that were working in my 20s and 30s are not as effective and the challenge is dynamically shifting in a goal-focused way. One of my most recent rough patches was in 2021 after a trip to Vegas. I looked at the pictures after the fact and was so disappointed. In response, I dug into my old bag of tricks to get into a condition I was comfortable with and from May to July, my total weight loss was 2 lbs. When I say my feelings were hurt, that’s an understatement. I was devastated and it took me a few weeks to get over myself and create a program that would be effective. As I’ve previously shared, I responded by losing 22 lbs in 6 weeks. 

Now let’s discuss the ways we can use the frustration of false starts to become motivated.

There is a quote, “A goal without a plan is simply a wish.” The first step of creating a plan after a failure is to review the failure and find the deficiencies. A good, honest look at ourselves is critical at every juncture of our fitness journey because the humility of it all can be critical in avoiding the same mistakes.

After the honest evaluation, inject positivity into your life through affirmations and uplifting quotes. Something that really aided me in getting on track was posting motivational quotes to my social media and discovered a great community that was very supportive which added even more positivity to my life.

Accountability is one of the most important elements of overcoming the frustration of failure and throughout the journey because we need it to know when we’re falling off track and need to recalibrate our approach. 

In the end, finding your fitness tribe is a way to find support and motivation when you’re near slipping.

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Thank You and Farewell

Health & Wellness: Don’t Quit on You!

Health & Wellness: Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness