Hey there #fitfam! Thank you all for reading. A topic that comes up fairly often in some of my trainer conversations is fitness philosophy. I find the conversations to be interesting because there is such a wide range of mindsets when it comes to wellness approach, session structure, and the amount ‘bedside manner’ or touch that would be applied to client engagement. You have personal trainers who use a cookie cutter approach and shoe-horn clients into a mold – these types are best in group training settings or when paired with competitive athletes who are trying to duplicate someone else’s results. There’s also the ‘ever rep counts’ crowd that believe any effort is better than none – for some people, this is perfect, at least as a starting point. My philosophy falls in between – I believe in fitness staples as a foundation, but I also apply pressure to advance. Let’s dive a bit deeper into each approach and try to figure out which approach works bets for each of you. 

I can’t wait to read your feedback in the comments section!

Let’s start with the one-size-fits all trainers. I have serious issues with this philosophy because just like learning and other skills in general, everyone is not the same and should be treated differently. The primary concern with this approach is that the risk of injury is significantly higher and the potential for results will widely vary based on the individual. 

Next up, every-rep counts…I have issues here as well. Though I believe that moving at least a little is better than not at all, the right amount of effort is necessary to achieve success. This approach is usually found with individuals who work with a specialist or trainer for months on end with very little improvement.

The National Academy of Sports Medicine has a model for success that is intended to progressively increase the load and intensity that the individual will endure throughout a program. The goal is to focus on form and proper execution of drills while meeting the client where they are instead of force-feeding them with rigid cookie-cutter circuits. I love this approach because it is sustainable and produces results consistently. 

So tell me which style is your preference?

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Thank You and Farewell

Health & Wellness: Don’t Quit on You!

Health & Wellness: Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness