Welcome back #fitfam, today we’re going to talk about closing out 2023 with focus and determination. Everyone who has followed this blog for a while knows that I use the latter part of the year to encourage and motivate the readers to lock in during the holiday season to win the battle of the bulge. In our previous article we identified this time of year as ‘Temptation SZN’. In addition, we’ve discussed ‘planned failure’. Each entry is a part of a collective which is focused on shifting mindsets before taking action, increasing our chances of success. But one element I have it dug into is involving your family…its a team effort. Having an entire family onboard with a healthier holiday season is a great way to ensure everyone is around for many more to come.

I think a great place to start is with your immediate family, then expand your reach to extend family who are willing to participate. Incorporating more participants can great for helping the collective remain locked from Halloween through the New Year and also sets up healthy familial habits and traditions for years to come.

I’ll bet you’re reading this and wondering exactly where this is going, no worries, I’m going to land the plane shortly! Lol

You will find that its much easier to remain consistent when your family is helping to hold you accountable but also reaping the benefits of a holiday season with healthy alternatives to many of the naughty snacks that will be floating around EVERYWHERE. If you haven’t already, introduce your family to sugar-free, gluten-free, low-sodium, and low-fat alternatives to holiday staples that are just as tasty. Prepare the items together when possible. Bonding over positive changes functions as connective tissue which becomes embedded within us. Having small children makes this much easier to execute, but you’ll be surprised how much young adults actually enjoy these moments with parents. Sprinkling some fun facts about why healthy alternatives are the way to go can leave a lasting impression on your kids as well.

As a secondary effect, you’ve set into motion a guide for them to use when they are on their own and a commitment from them while they are still at home. You’ll find them less resistant and more willing to try different meals. That buy-in will serve as a blueprint to introduce similar changes to extended family and create the opportunity for everyone to live longer, healthier lives in general. With the support of the entire family, locking in is so much easier!

My wish is that my advice will inspire and drive you to the next level, please enjoy these tips!

Here’s some general pieces of equipment I recommend you gather to create a solid DIY kit that will cost you $60 or less – a lifetime of equipment for the cost of a 3-month gym membership:

1 – Ropeless jump rope, available on Amazon – Apprx. $8

2  – 5lb dumbbells, available at Walmart, Target, Academy, or other sporting goods stores – Approx. $12

1 – 10lb kettlebell – Approx. $12

1 – Set of heavy fitness bands – Approx. $15

1 – Long stretch fitness band – Approx. $6

I hope that you enjoy this journey and can get the most from the information and tips that we provide! See ya next time!

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: We All Need Balance

Health & Wellness: Workout Time, Let’s Go!

Health & Wellness: Let’s Check In!!

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms: