Welcome back #fitfam! Now that we’re into the swing of 2023, let’s talk about meal management and setting the tone for a nutritional approach that is sustainable and easy to manage. As we’ve discussed in previous articles, the plan of attack is where the battle is won and we will talk about a few ways to plan your meals, even if you choose not meal prep. The key is understanding if you intend to be in a surplus, deficit or a form of weight maintenance to stay close to your current weight. Before we et started, if you’d like to work with me to create a meal template for yourself, feel free to contact me and we can work out a plan customized to your needs.

If you’re like me, you ended 2022 with lots of tasty foods and treats and a few alcoholic or sugary bevarages that were not in the meal plan. Well don’t worry, we planned for these things, remember?

If your goal is weight maintenance, you should focus on achieving or coming close to a caloric deficit each day and possibly set a goal for the week. A 100-200 calorie deficit will allow you to maintain the weight your are currently at. If you want to gain weight, then a caloric surplus is you game and the goal is to consume more calories than you burn and you’re likely going to increase your number of meals and how much lifting you have included in your program. Finally, weight loss, shedding the holiday spreading…we have to get into a significant caloric deficit, somewhere around 400-500 calories per day. In a deficit, we are consuming less than we burn day by day.

Next week we will discuss the path to designing a plan that will burn calories and work towards a deficit to trim weight and also how to work towards a surplus if you plan to build muscle and get thicker stronger muscles.

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Thank You and Farewell

Health & Wellness: Don’t Quit on You!

Health & Wellness: Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness