Welcome back #fitfam, today I’d like to share some personal thoughts and a brief history on why I annually host a ‘Sober September’ series. The most important thing to consider as you read this, is that the initial purpose was self-serving, but the concept blossomed as time wore on. 

It started in 2020, the first year that COVID-19 really had an impact on the United States. I was hosting weekly Zoom workouts with my family and they encouraged me to expand to a public offering and make it FREE. On one hand, I’d be expanding my business but I’d also get to HELP more people or at least expose more people to possibilities. In the mix, I felt that I lost sight of my personal fitness goals and I needed to do something for me. Many fo you may be aware of ‘Sober October’ – participants simply abstain from consuming alcohol (or drugs, if that’s their flavor) for the entire month of October. They use that time and energy to focus on areas of their lives that have been neglected. Well…October 1st is my birthday and I just did not want to sacrifice any fun, lol. So I decided to do ‘Sober September’ instead, 30 days of no alcohol. But then I added a twists…

Full disclosure, I love gummies. I’ve never met a gummy I didn’t like. Except the cola variety, I think those are gross! So the twists that I added for the month was to also eliminate gummies along with the alcohol. My idea was to reward myself on October 1st with a celebratory shot of Salted Caramel Crown and a small bag of cherry gummies. The end result was amazing, I lost a significant amount of weight without changing my workouts much and I felt accomplished for going the entire 30 days without a single gummy and no drinks at all. The psychological effects were greater in my opinion and I craved that feeling.

So in 2021, I ran it back, but this time I invited others to participate. Now, I understood that not everyone felt compelled to give alcohol or their favorite snack. But the goal was for each person to give up something and stick with it. I wanted others to feel the joy and pride in achieving the goal. The workout element was more about accountability and routine to provide something to fill the void of the thing we gave up. Each year, more people have participated and reaped the benefits.

So today, I invite you to join the party and participate in Sober September. In the comments, drop your thing you’ll be cutting out for September. And here’s the info to join our free livestream:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 810 7615 4652

Passcode: 794678

My wish is that my advice will inspire and drive you to the next level, please enjoy these tips!

Here’s some general pieces of equipment I recommend you gather to create a solid DIY kit that will cost you $60 or less – a lifetime of equipment for the cost of a 3-month gym membership:

1 – Ropeless jump rope, available on Amazon – Apprx. $8

2  – 5lb dumbbells, available at Walmart, Target, Academy, or other sporting goods stores – Approx. $12

1 – 10lb kettlebell – Approx. $12

1 – Set of heavy fitness bands – Approx. $15

1 – Long stretch fitness band – Approx. $6

I hope that you enjoy this journey and can get the most from the information and tips that we provide! See ya next time!

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Thank You and Farewell

Health & Wellness: Don’t Quit on You!

Health & Wellness: Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness