Welcome back #fitfam, today we’ll be discussing the use of exercise staples and exercise variety in a training regimen. Based on desired results, available resources, and time commitment, a program is often developed utilizing both approaches. However, in more specialized training, sometimes, a type of training is selected and it is the only training type included in the program. Would a specialized program work for you? How could you benefit from a variety based program? Let’s discuss…

We’ll start with a staple-based program and why someone might choose this approach. The first consideration is the individual’s goal, what outcome is preferred. In my experience, I typically encourage beginner clients to focus on staples because in general, they are able to focus on form and proper execution while reaping the benefits of consistent exercise with limited risk of injury.

This also allows me an opportunity to provide my client a guide that can be executed without me in a safe way. A subsequent benefit of focusing on staple exercises is the confidence that is gained from knowing that you’ve done the drill properly and your body is benefiting. You’ve heard the pros, a con to focusing on staples is that they often benefit full muscle groups and don’t necessarily allow a drill down to a specific muscle with optimal results. There is also the element of routine which becomes boredom and can lead to a disconnect and lack of desire to remain committed to the program.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual to trust the decision of their trainer or do the proper research on the approach before beginning their own program.

My wish is that my advance will inspire and drive you to the next level, please enjoy these tips!

Here’s some general pieces of equipment I recommend you gather to create a solid DIY kit that will cost you $60 or less – a lifetime of equipment for the cost of a 3-month gym membership:

1 – Ropeless jump rope, available on Amazon – Apprx. $8

2  – 5lb dumbbells, available at Walmart, Target, Academy, or other sporting goods stores – Approx. $12

1 – 10lb kettlebell – Approx. $12

1 – Set of heavy fitness bands – Approx. $15

1 – Long stretch fitness band – Approx. $6

I hope that you enjoy this journey and can get the most from the information and tips that we provide! See ya next time!

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Thank You and Farewell

Health & Wellness: Don’t Quit on You!

Health & Wellness: Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness