#fitfam, what’s good? I am hopeful that you all are finding the dialogue in these articles both informative and effective when applied. A common theme that you will find in my contributions here is the importance of a plan and goal-setting as a path to succeeding, all baked into a flaky shell of motivation. 

That magic word can be fleeting and sometimes altogether elusive – motivation. It would be dishonest to omit my own struggles with remaining motivated to give 100% in every workout. The truth is, some days, its just checking a box. And there lies another point that is sometimes confusing in fitness; the difference between motivation and consistency. These key factors are not mutually exclusive. I am a very regimented person, my routine allows me to be consistent in things that I may not be enthused about or motivated to maintain on a regular basis. The secret sauce there is that I have baked my health and wellness goals into my life like going to work or taking shower, just do it.

I also understand that to get the most from my sessions, I need to bring a desire to participate. I start by seeking and projecting positivity into everything that I do. This behavior helps me to have a great attitude throughout the day and that positive energy seeps onto my workouts. In general, my wellness mindset is fed consistently and I reap the benefits.

My tip to you all is to put together your own recipe for health and wellness success and bake the beneficial tasks into your life. As we have previously discussed, it is important and helpful to find a starting point and reserve at least a small mount of time to commit to exercise or new activity each day. Bake in 15 minutes of movement or meditation and make one change in your diet, whether its portion control or cutting sugar or carbs, take that first step and make it stick!

I’d love to hear your personal points of motivation or your struggles so we can discuss and work to getting better and stronger.

Health & Wellness: Why Fasting is Awesome…

Health & Wellness: Be Intentional About YOU!

Health & Wellness: Success in 2024 – My Testimony!

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness

Facebook – Total Camo Fitness

YouTube – Total Camo Fitness