Six tips to help you get ready for dance competition

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1.  When you get the competition dates, make your hotel reservations that day. 

During dance competition season hotels book quick. It is alot easier to make chages to your hotel reservations then to make a completley new one.



You dont want to loose your childs items because they were not properly labeled and someone mistakingly thought it belonged to them.


3. Check bag against the checklist given to you from your childs dance studio.

Make sure that you have all of the items listed.


4. Get the wrinkles out.

If your costume is wrinkled turn it upside down and run a hot shower, close the door and let the stem kick the wrinkles out.


5. Make hair appointments. 

If necessary to make sure child’s hair is ready.  We want our kids to look their best while on the stage. Take the time and make sure the little ones hair doesn’t have anything out of place. For my little one it is hard work trying to put all that hair into the style that the studio requests. In a low pony tail with a deep part on the left. I am not a braider so I make the hair appointments as soon as I know the dates of competitions so can get her hair braided into the requested style.

6. Grab the snacks.

While backstage you tend to get hungry  and thirsty . Make sure you have a bookpack with water and snacks for you and your little one.


In helping keep all of our dance needs organized and stylish at the sam time, we get our stuff from Dream Duffel.  Use the preceding link to check out some of the cool items that they currently have.

Check out these great items to workout in at  Gymammo

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I hope to se you each Wenesday for more dance tips.

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These are some great tips on getting ready for a dance competition. These would also be useful tips for those with little ones in gymnastics as well.


Yes very true. I am a Dream Duffel Indluencer also you should check out the great stuff they have there. Use my link in the blog post.

Dance teacher and former dance mom here. Yes on the Dream Duffel. A Must Have!

yes this is very true. I am trying to let all moms know what is going on in the dance world.


Reminds me of my dance days. Being prepared is so important! Great tips!


Dance days fun days to me growing up. Your so welcome for the information.


I remember dance competitions! Every parent should read this well in advance of the comp!


Yes competition tips help out alot


Oh, wow. Another unique topic. I remember taking part in multiple dance competitions as a kid, though I haven’t done in a long time. This makes me wanna join one right now. Great suggestions, btw. Thank you.


You are very welcome. It is great to watch them perform maybe if you do not have kids in dance you can go visit a friends dance kid perform?