Welcome back #fitfam, today we’re going to talk about not giving up. Yes, ‘Do not quit on you!’ is today’s theme and I want you to know that even though I don’t know you, I already believe in you! The innermost parts of you that sometimes struggle with motivation, self-confidence, a sense of self-worth and belief should have a seat and read this right here today because I want to encourage those parts. Like my last article focused on, motivation can be hard to maintain but if you can focus who you’re doing things for, motivation comes easy. It starts with Self Love – desperately wanting the very best for you over all things is the greatest motivator because when you’re your own #1 fan, you can find the MOST motivation from the LEAST inspiration. It starts when we stop comparing our journey to others and we focus on how WE are doing. Once that internal focus becomes a priority, you can find joy in your own journey and you’ll find that success begins to pursue you.

The first thing that has to happen is not quitting on wanting the very best for yourself. That means you do the little things to encourage yourself daily such affirmations, devotion, intentionally consistent effort in eating right and exercising, surrounding yourself with people that pour into you and doing good deeds. Then you double your efforts and as your consistency and your tribe grows, you’ll find that its easier to motivate yourself and you’ll begin to motivate others both directly and indirectly. Start by posting words of encouragement on social media – it starts about you but eventually you’ll be a beacon of light to others. And it all starts by deciding not to quit on you!

My hope is that my advice will inspire and drive you to the next level, please enjoy these tips!

Here’s some general pieces of equipment I recommend you gather to create a solid DIY kit that will cost you $60 or less – a lifetime of equipment for the cost of a 3-month gym membership:

1 – Rope-less jump rope, available on Amazon – Approx. $8

2 – 5lb dumbbells, available at Walmart, Target, Academy, or other sporting goods stores – Approx. $12

1 – 10lb kettlebell – Approx. $12

1 – Set of heavy fitness bands – Approx. $15

1 – Long stretch fitness band – Approx. $6

I hope that you enjoy this journey and can get the most from the information and tips that we provide! See ya next time!

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Starting Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms: