Health & Wellness: Starting Your Fitness Journey

Dating back to former First Lady Michelle Obama, the focus on health & wellness has become a national agenda which has focused on children and secondarily, their parents. While the children are given access to support services such as sports and extra-curricular activities through the schools, the parents must find ways to begin their journeys to looking and feeling better. 
Here I’ll provide 5 few tips to get started!
Health and Fitness Gear

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1. Set Some Goals – In order to effectively begin your journey, you should determine what you would like to accomplish in the end – and along the way. Setting short term and long term goals will allow you to create a plan that is sustainable.

2. Make a Plan – After establishing a set of goals, creating a plan is the next logical step. The most important element of the plan is to determine how much time you can commit to working out and meal prepping (if you will be dieting in beginning). Scheduling set workout days and times will allow you to create a routine that moves working out from a ‘thing you do’ or chore to a lifestyle.
3. Connect with a Pro – While hiring a personal trainer may not be in your budget, purchasing a well-structured fitness plan will eliminate the guesswork of ‘what to do’ and allow you to focus on consistency. In addition, a certified trainer or nutritionist will provide tools that simplify the process of getting started. With the shift to virtual interaction over the last 2+ years, finding virtual services at a discount could allow you to get started at a reasonable price.
4. Get Some Gear – Consider any money that you spend on health and wellness as an investment – an investment in you! Start small; purchase some comfortable workout clothes and a few sets of light weights to include 3 lb. and 5 lb. dumbbells. A great investment is a set of high-quality fitness bands which will create additional resistance during sessions.
Health and Fitness Gear

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5. Get an Accountability Partner or Join a Group – Though many people can decide to get healthier and stick to a program, it is highly effective to get an accountability partner. Their role is simple, motivate you on days when you are not motivated and push you to soar higher when you get comfortable with your results. Joining a group is effective because it places you in the presence of like-minded people who will consciously and subconsciously motivate you and pull your collar when you are slacking.
Thank you for reading friends and I can’t wait to share more with you next week! While you’re here, be sure to also check out our affiliates at : Gym Ammo
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My problem is I want an accountability partner but I also don’t want them grilling me about working out and eating right. 😂😂 I know it doesn’t make sense.


Get tips. I especially like #5. I join a walking group and love it. Thanks for sharing

Nury - Her New Habits

These are great tips for starting a fitness journey. When I started, I had no idea how important it is to have a professional guide you through the process. It was also difficult for me to be consistent, but I finally managed it and in this post, I share everything about it in case you want to take a look:

Thank you for sharing this 🙂


That’s a great list for beginners. I think an accountability partner is a great idea. Mine is my twin sister. Although we live 500 km apart, we still support each other, bounce off ideas.. etc.

Because I didn’t know much about weight training or fitness (other than running) when I first started working out, I invested in a few Beachbody Programs like P90X, 21 Day Fix, they were cheaper than a trainer, but showed me some better eating habits and great workouts!

Skye Sauchelli

Love your idea to get an accountability partner or join a group or class! The sense of community is so helpful in starting our fitness journey and creating a healthy lifestyle 🙂


Thank you. i hope you checke out the link also to see the great workout clothes.

Karen Kasberg

I think connecting with a Pro is crucial if you are taking your fitness journey seriously. They will help you make a plan and be your accountability partner. So many other great tips here.


yes this is very important, thank you


I love this! An accountability partner is so important!


Good tips! Getting started is always the hard part!

Thrive with Mariya

Having a goal and making a plan is a must for being successful. Thank you for the helpful advice 🙂