What’s good #fitfam, thank you for reading! Lately, I’ve been asked a question by lots of different people ‘which weights should I be using when I workout?’. Though the answer is simple, it’s not a short one. There are a few key factors involved in determining the right amount of weight you should lift and the frequency. Beyond the obvious differences between body builders and those of us who just want to get stronger, there is a wide grey area that leaves the question up in the air. Should two like-minded gym buds use the same weights during a joint session? Should the working mom who loves to garden grab the same dumbbells as the homemaker who doesn’t care about biceps and triceps? The answer is no and here’s why…

The most important factor is the end goal for each person. The body builder is looking for mass, so their approach is going to be based on getting the biggest muscles possible. This process will require heavier weights and less reps but also more frequency. On the other hand, the everyday Joe who just wants to look nice in a tank top is going to want lean muscle and functional strength. To put it mathematically, the body builder is going to workout with 65-80% of their one rep max and our buddy Joe is going to workout at around 45-60% of their one rep max. Given a timeframe of 90 days following this basic formula with incremental increases in weight based on progression, the end result will be totally different physiques that both look great. In general, I recommend that my clients lift light and frequently to maintain a lean, strong physique that is toned with moderate definition. For the guys who don’t mind a bit more muscle, I have them increase reps and lean to the 55-60% range.

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Starting Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness