Welcome back #fitfam, today we’re continuing this pivot on our journey into our ‘better’ series as we reset ourselves heading into summer! We began with ‘How to Thank Better…” because a mindset shift is of ultra importance to reset our lives and begin a new journey. Our thoughts control so much of what our bodies can achieve, so we are charged with fortifying our minds to elevate. When that change occurs, we then begin to make changes which will help us live better.

Small representations of a changed mindset are less stress and more energy. Some people notice an expansion of their interest as they begin to see the world in a different way so a pinch of curiosity is sparked and simple pleasures begin to rise. The feeling of wellness that accompanies these experiences have the effect of addiction, which I view as dedication, to improve more areas each day.

A dedication to personal growth in exercising and eating better are steps that will come, but to start changes to your surroundings and the company you keep can also help you live better.

I once had a conversation with a healthy and wealthy individual and his advice to me was that his life improved when he stopped surrounding himself with negative or uninspired people and traded their company for genuinely positive, supportive, and in motivated people. He shared that he started to notice a shift in how he viewed the world as a whole and his actions changed as well. I had a similar experience and I can see that my desire to live better was an important pivot in the trajectory of my life.

I hope these small tidbits of support and advice can someone reading to live better and achieve all of the things they desire!

Here’s some general pieces of equipment I recommend you gather to create a solid DIY kit that will cost you $60 or less – a lifetime of equipment for the cost of a 3-month gym membership:

1 – Ropeless jumprope, available on Amazon – Apprx. $8

2  – 5lb dumbbells, available at Walmart, Target, Academy, or other sporting goods stores – Approx. $12

1 – 10lb kettlebell – Approx. $12

1 – Set of heavy fitness bands – Approx. $15

1 – Long stretch fitness band – Approx. $6

I hope that you enjoy this journey and can get the most from the information and tips that we provide! See ya next time!

Lastly, I have training programs as low as $75/month that will supplement and guide you to your goals.

Health & Wellness: Starting Your Fitness Journey

If you are interested in following along with my journey or contacting my company, I can be found on social media platforms:

Website – Total Camo Fitness