Mom Shaming: Moms Support Moms Not Tear Each Other Down


Mom Shaming has been rearing its evil head for years now. Women as soon as they hit adult stage begin getting mom shamed for deciding not to have kids and mom shamed for having kids and not raising them the way society says you should raise them.

For those of you who do not know what mom shamming is , let me break it down for you. Mom shamming is when anyone puts down a mom or parents on how they choose to raise their child and or children. Just because someone raises their child and or children different then the way you choose to do it does not mean that they are wrong.

Remember the class bully when you were in grade school? We all seen him or her when we were in school. Over the years movies have been made about the bullies in school, the ole meet me at the playground after school scenes had you waiting in you seats for the fight scene that was getting ready to happen. Well now that bully has grown up into an adult. He or she no longer wants to just meet you at the playground afterschool, this adult wants to mom shame you because your parenting is not like theirs.

The working mom is mom shammed because she choose to have it all. She wants not only a career but a family also that includes children. How dare she? Is what the mom shamers want to know. She goes to work for eight hours or more and leaves her children at daycare or with someone that they trust with their child\children. The working mom may at times miss a field trip, a game, or maybe not be able to go eat lunch with her child at school. Instead of mom shaming that mom we should support her. Let this mom know that it is ok, she will get times with the kids after work. If you happen to be at the field trip, field day, etc. offer to send the mom photos throughout the day so she feels as if she was there.

The Stay at Home mom is mom shamed because she is at home all day and not at work. Mom can’t win for loosing your shamed if you work and shamed if your at home. She may get to make it to all the field trips, eat lunch with her child at school and more. Regardless of what society thinks, moms need to understand that they have the right to do whatever works best for their family and not get mom shamed for how they raise their children especially if they are not physically hurting the child/children.

Mom shaming happens for more reasons than just if mom works or not. In mom shamming world it is a breast feeding versus non breastfeeding, spanking versus non spanking mom shaming war out here in society. Everyone has something to say about how people choose to raise the children that they produced. It makes it hard for moms at time tell the people who really care and try to sit down with them and give good meaningful advice versus the ones who criticize their every parenting move.


Lets not tear each other down, lets build each other up. We all need support every now and then.





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Yes! I completely agree with you about mom-shaming. Whether you do it this way or that way, someone is going to “mom shame” you for it. Its’ even worse when another woman who is not even a mom herself shames you. That has happened to me, too. I love that you say we need to build each other up, rather than tear each other down!

Jamie Phillips

Mom shaming is horrible. I see/hear it all the time. I wonder when it changed that moms had to have this perfect persona and regular moms are shamed. Probably the reason i don’t ever go out or have friends.


Very valid points. Mom’s are shamed for basically everything. But as women, we can choose to support each other!


Moms for moms! I love it. It’s great to know we have a support system no matter where we land… as long as moms are around.


I love this post and I have also created a similar post to this one because I feel so strongly about not tearing other moms down. Women get so much criticism for only trying to do what’s best for their little ones. Hopefully someday women will be appreciated for all that they do to bring life into this world. Women are how we all get here, we should appreciated, not torn to bits.


Mom shaming really needs to end! I am mom shamed for being a stay at home and its really sad how other moms feel the need to comment on how I choose to parent our children! Thank you sharing this!


YES YES YES! I completely agree! Mom Shaming needs to end. You just can’t win can you. No matter what choices we make, there is some shame involved and it needs to stop. Thank you for shedding light on this!